The interior of the Serapeum: Ruin of a Container or Holding box
Wall and Ceiling above container.
The ceiling in the Serapeum above a container
Close up of the wall behind one container.
Main hallway in the Serapeum.
Look at the detail in the lid which is treated with an unknown liquid.
The lid and box were unfortunately broken into.
Some of the containers are approximately 60 tons.
There are areas in the Serapeum not open to the public and current estimates of Not Aliens is the non access areas go on for city blocks.
more view off the main hallway of the Serapeum.
The Serapeum is another area readapted by the dynastic Egyptians as possible burial locations
Weathering and carving mixed in the Serapeum
This is supposedly a tomb. It could have eventually been used as such. The entire structure of the pyramid is strikingly more frequency and energy driven. There was a lid. I have found a reference in Flinders Petrie's "The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh" circa 1882, available on the free google digitized books library speaking of pieces of what may have been a lid broken up and in pieces in the hallway.
Great Pyramid
Great Pyramid at morning
As you get a chance to review photos of any ancient, megalithic site, pay as close attention as you can to the precision of the blocks, kind, size, number of cuts, is it strictly a building or a cymatic polygonal construction?
Many pieces of complex architecture remnant of even earlier times remain and can be seen everywhere mixed in with dynastic peoples designs.
The Great Pyramid interior
More of the Great Pyramid Interior
Note the weathering, block stacking may not be original....
Look close at the interior ceiling and complex details
One of the mysterious shafts
Perspective of one of the mysterious shafts in the Great Pyramid
external casing and finish casing is all but gone
It is Below. When Egyptologist speak of the bulk of Egypt’s ruins being under sand, they fail to explain that it is in tunnel systems. Massive, extensive rooms, tunnels and spaces as complex as the Osirian. Below is the Osirian, starting with the Ramaseum. These are introduction to the area. The primary characteristics of extreme weathering on very complex and hard stone surfaces that were not shaped by copper tools.
This was once a single slab statue. Many statues defy explanations of construction. Characteristics include lathe or machining for perfect proportions as if cut on a CNC machine.
Many of these 800 to 1200 ton statutes found along with obelisks and other polygonal buildings show signs of vitrification. High Heat and fast cooling that could only have come from an unknown natural or unnatural event.
The machines to cut, shape, measure, move, let alone coat with what ever finish layer that has rusted and dusted away is forever lost or maybe in the realms of future nano-archaeologists.
KEYSTONE CUTS!! All over the Earth, all over polygonal cymatic construction.